Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Siti Nurbaya (kanan) dan Menteri Negara untuk Asia, Energi, Iklim, dan Lingkungan Hidup Inggris, Lord Goldsmith, menandatangani kerja sama di bidang lingkungan dan iklim di Jakarta, pada 22 Oktober 2022.

The Indonesian government has agreed on cooperation with the UK in the field of environment and climate, especially Indonesia's FOLU Net Sink 2030.

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) together with the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office representing the British government, on Saturday (22/10) signed a memorandum of cooperation in the field of environment and climate, namely Indonesia's FOLU Net Sink 2030 (net absorption of emissions in the forestry and land use sectors).

The cooperation between the two parties is contained in a memorandum of understanding signed by Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya and Minister of State for Asia, Energy, Climate and Environment UK, Lord Goldsmith.

"Through this memorandum of understanding, both parties aim to build a stronger friendship in order to realize real and effective climate action on the ground," Siti Nurbaya said in Jakarta.

Siti explained, there are three objectives of this memorandum of understanding specifically. First, promoting cooperation in line with Indonesia's leading role in the Voluntary-Law Enforcement Partnership Agreement, Trade Governance in Forestry (FLEGT-VPA) and the country's ambition to achieve FOLU Net Sink by 2030.

Second, promoting Sustainable Forest Management Certification in Indonesia. Third, enhance collaboration and share best practices to strengthen the capacity of relevant stakeholders.

"After signing this memorandum of understanding, I hope we can work with the UK government to support the implementation of Indonesia's FOLU Net Sink 2030 Operational Plan towards achieving National Determined Contribution (NDC), especially through sustainable forest management," Siti said.

UK praises Indonesia's leadership on climate and environment issues

Lord Goldsmith, Minister of State for Asia, Energy, Climate and Environment said the UK government praised Indonesia's international leadership on climate and environmental issues. Lord Goldsmith also expressed his appreciation for Indonesia's FOLU Net Sink 2030 targets and Operation Plan.

"The UK is proud to have been trusted in its role as President of the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) by the international community. We will continue to work with partners around the world to mobilize finance for climate and nature. Through the memorandum of understanding and MoEF meeting, I hope to advance cooperation with Indonesia in the fields of climate change, biodiversity, environment, and low-carbon development," he said.

On his first official visit to Indonesia as Minister of State for Asia, Energy, Climate and Environment, Lord Goldsmith also expressed his appreciation for Indonesia's G20 Presidency this year.

"Indonesia plays a leading role in ensuring that all commitments set out in the G20 agenda are fulfilled including the energy transition. We are working to address the increasing impacts of climate change and keep the Paris Agreement temperature targets affordable," he said.

WALHI Appreciates Indonesia-UK Memorandum of Understanding

Head of the Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi) campaign Hadi Jatmiko said the memorandum of understanding should be appreciated because at least Indonesia would get funding support from the UK to support emission reduction and absorption policies.

"Even to the minus of the forest area targeted by the Government of Indonesia in 2030 (FOLU Net Sink 2030), especially related to law enforcement and governance programs in the forestry sector which in our opinion in the future must be maximized by the MoEF," he told VOA.

According to Walhi, the memorandum of understanding signed by the MoEF with representatives of the British government also oversees law enforcement against illegal logging, illegal mining, and illegal oil palm plantations within forest and peat areas that are still widely found in some areas.

"In addition, law enforcement against perpetrators of environmental and forestry crimes can be used as a deterrent effect. Therefore, the execution of court decisions that have been won by the government must be immediately encouraged to be executed," Hadi said.

By working with the UK, the Indonesian government can also implement a moratorium on new permits in all forest area functions and conduct regular reviews of existing permits.

"As well as accelerating land grabs for the object of agrarian reform and social forestry, which are government priority programs to provide management rights to communities that have been able to improve the economy and protect and preserve forests and land," Hadi said.

Furthermore, Walhi encourages the Indonesian government to show the international community that the support or cooperation carried out is not in vain and can be maximized to achieve the NDC target of 31 percent for independent businesses and 41 percent through international assistance.

"One of them is the highlight of Walhi related to the energy sector. Our government must stop false solutions to reduce emissions in the energy sector such as biofuels and cofiring," Hadi concluded.

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