PT BRIK Quality Services
PT BRIK Quality Services

PT BRIK Quality Services is a professional service company in the field of product certification and inspection.
We provide Legality and Sustainability Verification System services by adhering to the principles of good governance, impartiality
and transparency in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.

Our History

2020 - Now

2020 - Now
As SVLK certification body & licensing authority (publisher of V-legal documents). Currently entering its 4th accreditation period with validity until 1 September 2027.


PT BRIK Quality Services (BRIK-QS) conducts VLK audits and issues V-legal Documents. The company's legal status is to comply with SVLK regulations and SNI/IEC 17065:2012.

2010 - 2012

2010 - 2012
The Forestry Industry Revitalization Agency conducts a VLK audit and continues to carry out its function as the issuer of export endorsements.


The Forestry Industry Revitalization Agency obtained its first accreditation from KAN.


Starting from a non-profit organization called "Forestry Industry Revitalization Agency (BRIK)" which was assigned by the government to carry out export endorsements.


PT BRIK Quality Services complies with applicable regulations and guarantees impartiality
to obtain objective and reliable verification results

SVLK Certification

The Legality and Sustainability Verification System is a mandatory system developed by the parties (multi-stakeholders) to ensure the legality of timber sources from upstream, downstream to being traded domestically and for export.

Issuance of V-Legal Documents / FLEGT License

V-Legal Documents or FLEGT Licenses (specifically for the European Union) are documents required for submitting Export Declarations of Goods (PEB) to exporters of timber products in accordance with statutory provisions.


Currently it is called "Product Stock Certification", only for small and medium IUIs whose raw materials are entirely from cultivated wood and do not yet have an S-LK.

Why Choose Us ?
Why Choose Us?

Because we understand your needs, we offer quality supported services
competent, professional and impartial auditors.


The Best KLHK Partner


Competent, professional and impartial auditors


Verification experience since
year 2003

Client Distribution

Our clients are spread across all provinces in Indonesia

Quality & Reliable

We always maintain quality certification services

User Friendly Application

V-Legal License App/FLEGT is easy to operate

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