PT BRIK Quality Services was awarded as the best partner of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) 2023, as an Independent Verification Assessment Agency (LPVI) for the Legality and Sustainability Verification System (SVLK).
This award was given at the Awarding ceremony of ASN KLHK Achievement and KLHK Partners in a series of commemorations of the 40th Forester Bhakti Day, Thursday (16/3/2023), at the Manggala Wanabhakti Building, Jakarta.
President Director of PT BRIK Quality Services, Mrs. Soewarni received the award certificate directly from the Minister of KLHK, Mrs. Siti Nurbaya Bakar.
In accordance with our Vision, Mission & Corporate Culture, PT BRIK Quality Services always provides SVLK services based on the principles of good governance, guarantees impartiality-transparency and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.