The Legality and Timber Verification System (SVLK) which is Indonesia's commitment in supporting legal and sustainable timber products has been transformed into a Legality and Sustainability Verification System.

To anticipate changes and to ensure consistency and competence in the implementation of SVLK certification carried out by the Assessment Institute, it is necessary to coordinate all stakeholders involved, both from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) as the owner of the scheme, the National Accreditation Committee (KAN), the Assessment Agency and business actors as the implementers of SVLK.

This was revealed by KAN Secretary General Donny Purnomo when opening the Seminar "Accreditation and Certification Supporting Government Policies for the Legality and Sustainability of the Forestry Sector" held in Palembang, October 27, 2022.

The seminar organized by BSN, KAN and in collaboration with the South Sumatra Provincial Government aims to provide information and socialization related to Accreditation and Certification Supporting Government Policies for the Legality and Sustainability of the Forestry Sector.

According to Donny, in the future to support existing regulations and make implications for the existing system, the accreditation carried out by KAN to the Sustainable Production Forest Management Assessment Institute (LPPHPL) and the Timber Legality Verification Institute (LVLK) will change and become one Independent Verification Assessment Agency (LPVI).

"This unification will be very beneficial for LPVI because in addition to saving accreditation costs, it will also make the assessment implementation can be carried out simultaneously," he said.

Chairman of the Committee for Organization Development, Human Resources and Regional Strengthening of APHI, Tjipta Purwita who was one of the speakers at the seminar said the Legality and Sustainability Verification System (SVLK) is a tracking system prepared in a multistakeholder manner to ensure the legality of timber sources circulating and traded in Indonesia.

"SVLK is implemented to ensure that all wood products circulating and traded in Indonesia have a convincing legality status so that it is easier to convince buyers abroad," he said.

The implementation of SVLK provides a positive image of responsible and environmentally friendly forest management.

In addition, it also strengthens the compliance of the Management Unit (UM) with the provisions of Government regulations. HR competencies are getting stronger and company performance is getting better by strengthening UM's HR understanding of the development of social and environmental issues (biodiversity conservation, employment, FPIC, CITES, etc.).

According to Tjipta, improving forest management performance should be given incentives, one of which is market expansion balanced with increased financial benefits.

"At least, there is an increase in the selling price," he said.

Our fight for wider market appreciation and recognition of SVLK needs to collaborate with other tropical timber-producing countries.

In a joint statement by the Coalition of Tropical Wood Producing Countries as a result of the Forum, the "broader market recognition" policy is one of the efforts to realize the expansion and market incentives of processed wood products.

"It's just how we support and oversee its implementation," concluded Tjipta.

The seminar was attended by approximately 50 participants from the Independent Verification Assessment Institute (LPVI), business actors / SVLK implementers, Associations, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, communities / members of the certification forum with speakers from the Directorate of Forest Product Processing and Marketing, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Chairman of the Forum of Independent Assessment and Verification Institutions (LPVI), Director of Accreditation System and Harmonization, BSN and from the Indonesian Forest Entrepreneurs Association (APHI). ***

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